Saturday, August 22, 2015

Dinner at the Bangalore Club

Last night we went to dinner at the Bangalore Club, which is the oldest private club in Bangalore.  It was established in 1868 as a club for the British Officers.  They have had many prestigious members in the past including Sir Winston Churchill in 1896.

We were taken as guests of a physician that is visiting from Minnesota and it was so nice of him to treat us to a wonderful traditional south Indian dinner.  It was pouring outside last night so we weren't able to really take any photos of the outside gardens and grounds but here are a few of the restaurant building.  They have a main dining room, a men's bar, a mixed lounge (men and women!) and then a formal sitting room.

Last night and today are dry days in Bangalore because elections are held today so we couldn't enter any of the bars for photos!  Here is a door to the mixed lounge!

Even the paper napkins were fancy!

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